Without a doubt, a recession is a most challenging time during which to jump into new ventures. The market is unstable, economists keep predicting it's going to get worse before it gets better, and the average Joe is hoarding every red cent he is lucky enough to get his hands on. However, giving up only fuels recession further. Whether you are contemplating starting an online business or have successfully run your online business for years, the following guidelines will provide strategies with which to overcome the unique challenges posed by national economic turmoil.
The Basics
If you've been in online business for some time now, you'll recognize the attributes listed below as the building blocks for any online business. If you're just starting out, make sure you take each of them into account when making decisions about your business. Each "building block" is listed with advice about how it is affected by the recession.
Find Your Niche
By highly specializing your online business, you will be giving yourself the best chance of becoming a subject expert in that field. During a recession, there are many new niches created surrounding living frugally, saving money, dealing with issues such as joblessness, foreclosure, or disappearing retirement savings. Take advantage of the current economy by providing quality information and advice that people can use.
Products and/or Services
Your online business' main source of income should be a product or service that can be delivered digitally. Reducing overhead by employing this strategy will render your online business more resilient than more complicated operations. Consider selling subscriptions to your home rental or recipe Web site.
Multiple Streams of Revenue
This is of particular importance during a recession. Join affiliate programs or sell space to advertisers in order to pull in revenue on your quality content-driven pages. Be creative and think of other ways your online business can make profits.
Overcome Shrinking Budgets
It's difficult to spend the money necessary for effective marketing and advertising when everybody's purse strings are drawn tight. Knowing that your return on investment won't be nearly what it's been in the past makes it more difficult. Determining how much advertising will actually pay off is nearly impossible, and for dwindling online startups it can be a fatal game to play.
There are, however, a multitude of marketing and advertising strategies that can be used to provide exposure to your online business without costing nearly as much. Of course some of these strategies will require time, effort and energy on your part, but that's just part of the challenge you took on when you decided to start an online business.
The following ideas are ways to get the word out about your online business and ultimately boost your bottom line:
. Public Relations instead of Paid Advertising
. Build Your Brand
. Build Your Database (leads, prospects, customers)
. Use Social Media to
promote your online business. Establish Measurable Goals and Meet Them
. Go Above and Beyond with Your Existing Customers
. Offer Incentives for Referrals
. Differentiate from the Competition
The Bottom Line
The bottom line in terms of how to build your online business during a recession is to not give up. Use creative new strategies to reinforce and promote what you are already doing. Don't freak out over bad economic reports or even dwindling sales. Think outside the box and come up with fresh new ideas to keep you customers coming back and to attract new customers without incurring high costs. Most importantly, stay optimistic, treat your customers well, and enjoy life.